
Här skriver jag om mina känslor och tankar och vad som händer i livet. Positivt som negativt.

To My Friends❤️

Kategori: Allmänt

You, yeah just you!
Don't give up
Everything you do counts,
Even if you feels like it doesn't. 
Don't think 
That you're worth nothing,
Couse you are. 
You live here for a reason. 
A reason to make a difference to this
To make a change for the ones you 
Care of. 
Do not go walking around thinking
That you are worthles, unuseful or unloved. 
There is people loving you, I love you and your family does, your friends. 
The Angels sent you here for a reason,
To excist. 
The angels made a perfect choice
Bringing you here. Don't waist it. 
Do something for yourself. 
Love yourself. 
Belive in yourself like I belive in you. 
Like the Angels belive in you. 
Words are spoken. 
Do not give up, even if it feels like hell is bringing you down. 
Stay for just a while. Look around. What do you see? 
A crowd of people screaming you suck at baseball?
 No, theres a hole world of adventures waiting to be explored. 
Theres a nature around you
Full of life, love and peace. 
Go for a walk. 
Sit on a rock for a while. 
Do not think. 
Ask the Angels to guide you,
I'll promises they will answer. 
Then with new strenght 
You can move on to the next step. 


  • Malin säger:

    Får söka hjälp hos änglarna sen i min ensamhet 😘❤️

    Svar: Ja 😘❤️

    2014-04-01 | 14:02:15
    Bloggadress: http://malin-regina.blogspot.com

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